Victorian Farm House

Victorian Farm House

Victorian Farm House U About the project One of my favourite benefits as a gardener is the lucky ability to work all day immersed in nature, especially when this is located in remote, idyllic paradise like Cum Head Farm House. These early builders know precisely...
Moat House

Moat House

Moat House & Courtyard Garden U About the project A 16th-century Moat House, this garden is a pleasure to work in, with beautiful gardens and the call of coots on the fringes of the lake gently remind you what a natural nature reserve this historic property...
A Shropshire Townhouse Garden

A Shropshire Townhouse Garden

A Shropshire Townhouse Garden U About the project As a professional gardener, it’s a real privilege to work in a customer’s little paradise. I often remind myself, far be for me to add or take away from someone else’s vision. Instead, listen carefully to them and...
The Castle Hotel

The Castle Hotel

The Castle Hotel, Bishop’s Castle U About the project It gives me great pleasure to help maintain and develop the gardens at the Castle Hotel, Bishops Castle Shropshire. The owner likes the garden to reflect the high standards set within the hotel while remaining...
Pets at Home

Pets at Home

Pets at Home U About the project A perfect example of how we could design our utility spaces. If only all our shopping precincts looked like this. The grounds and car park areas were designed and planted by ‘The Botanical Gardener’, Chris and Bryony...

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