Ponds, trees & orchards


What to consider when building a small pond

Ideally, ponds prefer not to be in full sun all-day, a semi-shade position is easier to manage, and less prone to algae build up in the summer which depletes light and oxygen in the water. If your pond is in full sun consider some semi-shade planting nearby which cast a shadow for part of the day when the sun is high.

Use rocks and gravel to line the pond; this will help to stabilize the temperature fluctuation throughout the day.

Clean the pond of all rotting debris and excess weed and algae in late autumn to prevent nitrate build-up through the winter.

Small pond

The benefits of ponds & trees

It is always rewarding to incorporate a pond into a garden. The benefits to nature are exponential; life emerges from water like no other environment and feeds a great pyramid of creatures.

From the minute water daphnia to water boatmen, frogs, newts, fish and dragonflies, each supports pool a boundless array of bird spices. Mammals like voles, water shrews and if you are lucky, otters will join you in time.

To augment the potential benefit, it is a good idea to plant hedging trees surrounding a pool and link wildlife corridors across the site. There is no more generous gift for future nature survival.

Cwm Head Pool


Traditional orchards, although essentially a crop, can provide remarkable havens for wildlife. A visit to a traditional orchard reveals gnarled old trunks of fruit and nut trees bursting with blossoms and young leaves in springtime, with wildflowers and insects populating summer’s long grass, and foraging wildlife attracted by autumn’s fallen fruit.

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