Outdoor musings
A collection of ideas, resources and general reflections on working with nature
I still believe in magic
I still believe in magicGlowing wand-like in a shaft of light that pierced through to the depths of a forgotten dingle in a Shropshire woodland, I caught sight of this solitary flower. Fooled by the...
A Druid’s tale
A Druid's taleIn the hedgerow now, take a close look! A Druid's tale - Nine hazel trees grew around a sacred pool, dropping nuts into the water to be eaten by some salmon which absorbed the wisdom....
GorseFurze – Ulex Europaeus, Ulex Galli, Ulex Minor Already in flower now, ablaze upon the moorland. One of my favourite wild reminders the season has begun. Folklore reminds us that you should only...
Let’s save our sacred ivy
Let's save our sacred ivyIvy (Hedera helix)I’m often requested to remove the dreaded Ivy from walls and trees in customers' gardens, their claim is always backed up, "My builder said that Ivy would...
Magical lichen
Magical lichenBritish soldiers lichen (Cladonia cristatella)Found this flowing lichen today on a walk in the Ellan valley growing with the moss on the moor. I was amazed I've never caught them in...
Snowdrop magic
Snowdrop magic Snowdrop (Galanthus) We are not the only ones drawn to the beautiful snowdrops hiding in the hedgerow. This hoverfly seeks much-needed nectar and pollen in the cold winter months as...
Deadly spots
Deadly spotsSix-spot burnet moth (Zygaena filipendulae)"The six-spot burnet is a medium-sized, day-flying moth, commonly found in grasslands, woodland rides and where the caterpillars feed on common...
Seed collecting
Seed collecting Aquilegia vulgaris (common columbine)It’s an excellent time to collect seed now, while the weather is dry, I was given these beautiful columbines from ‘Bobs Flowers’ near Craven...
Harvest I have loved well this land that I have tilled: I have grown old tunning the green years under, In the long straight furrow, where the quick loam will build, Her destined fruit, with the sun...
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Bishops Castle, SY9 5PA
I usually respond to emails within 24 hours. The best time to call me is first thing or in the evening. Thank you.