Don’t be afraid of the shade

Why shade is important

I took the photo above in the fairy glen Cornwall, earlier this year. It’s a perfect example of why we should not be afraid of shade in the garden, My old head gardener taught me to look for the light in the darkness as nothing instils more magic into a natural space.

The same effect applies in our dark garden corners, under trees, down shady allies and north-facing parts of the garden.

You can utilize natural shade-loving plants to create a unique and magical space you come to treasure.

I shall post more on how to develop shady sites soon as I am developing a small wooded area for a new customer at the moment.

Some useful shade-loving plants to inspire you

Mahonia aquifolium
Ruscus aculeatus

Hydrangea petiolaris,

Acanthus mollis
Brunnera macrophylla
Gallium odoratum

and my favourite, don’t forget the Ferns !!!

Over hill, over dale,
Thorough bush, thorough brier,
Over park, over pale,
Thorough flood, thorough fire!
I do wander everywhere,
Swifter than the moon’s sphere;
And I serve the Fairy Queen,
To dew her orbs upon the green;

A Fairy Song
William Shakespeare

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Bishops Castle, SY9 5PA

I usually respond to emails within 24 hours. The best time to call me is first thing or in the evening. Thank you.

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